Détail de l’événement

Nom de l'organisme Science Nord
Description de l'organisme

Science Nord est l’attraction touristique la plus populaire du Nord de l’Ontario et une ressource éducative à la disposition des enfants et des adultes venant de tous les coins de la province. Science Nord gère le deuxième et le huitième centres des sciences au Canada : Science Nord, qui comprend le Centre des sciences, la salle IMAX, le Planétarium, la Galerie des papillons, et la Grande salle d’exposition et Terre dynamique - Site du Big Nickel, un centre des sciences de la terre.

Science Nord est également installé à Thunder Bay, d’où il dessert le Nord-Ouest de la province en réalisant des expériences scientifiques dans les écoles et à divers festivals, en organisant des camps d’été, et bien plus.

Site web de l'organisme http://www.sciencenorth.on.ca
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ScienceNorth
Twitter https://twitter.com/ScienceNorth

Projet Officially Amazing: The Science of Guinness World Records
Description du projet

This funding is for the marketing of “Officially Amazing!”, a major exhibition and series of activities and events related to record breaking, taking place March 3 to September 7, 2020 in Sudbury. Programming will include:

(1) “The Science of Guinness World Records”, a 600 square metre travelling exhibition produced by Science North where visitors will learn the science behind broken records and explore the perseverance, creativity, innovation and fun inherent in record-breaking attempts;

(2) “Adjudicated Events” (April, May, June, August 2020): official Guinness World Records adjudicators will lead major group record breaking attempts;

(3) “Summer Challenge”: Science North staff will lead visitors in official record-breakings attempts;

(4) “Experiences in the Exhibit Hall”: workshops and live shows where visitors will engage in hands-on themed challenges that teach the secrets behind various records;

(5) “Scavenger Hunt”: a citywide geocaching adventure which will include stories of local record-breaking attempts;

(6) “Guinness Records Record Holders Meet and Greet”: visitors will have the opportunity to meet successful world record holders, including David Rush (world’s fastest juggler, and holder of 100+ Guinness World Records), CBC Sudbury (deepest radio broadcast), and Khouri Long (largest exercise ball class);

(7) “Nightlife on the Rocks and Science Socials” (March 27, May 1, July 24, 2020): adult-only events that will give visitors the opportunity to meet science speakers and explore the science behind skills such as reaction, focus and endurance; and

(8) “Officially Amazing! Film Series”.

Site web du projet https://www.sciencenorth.ca/exhibits/science-guinness-world-records
Ville Sudbury
Region Nord de l'Ontario
Date de début 2020-03-03
Date de fin 2020-09-07
Montant financé 150 000,00 $
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