Détail de l’événement

Nom de l'organisme Ottawa Bluesfest
Site web de l'organisme http://ottawa-bluesfest.ca/

Projet Ottawa Bluesfest 25th Anniversary Celebration
Description du projet

This funding is for the marketing of the "Ottawa Bluesfest's 25th Anniversary Celebration”; enhanced programming taking place July 4-14, 2019 at at Lebreton Flats in Ottawa. The Festival is increasing the calibre of performance by booking more international music superstars than in previous years. Programming highlights include:

(1) country music Superstar Eric Church and four-time Grammy award winner Jason Isbell will highlight the opening weekend;

(2) internationally-renowned boy band the Backstreet Boys will close out the festival on July 14; and

(3) other confirmed headliners include: The Killers, Wu-Tang Clan, KYGO, Kacey Musgraves, Logic, Kane Brown, The Offspring, Alexisonfire, Snoop Dogg, Buddy Guy, America, T-Pain, Shakey Graves and First Aid Kit.

Site web du projet https://ottawabluesfest.ca/?gclid=CjwKCAjw5pPnBRBJEiwAULZKvq3ryVUjAMt0VS2ud-32evelEbB6UEFV8jDnKsc6g_MSznfTinFRlhoCzDMQAvD_BwE
Ville Ottawa
Region Sud-Est de l'Ontario
Date de début 2019-07-04
Date de fin 2019-07-14
Montant financé 200 000,00 $
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